@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
# Ruby
## Variables
### 基本变量类型
# Nil: 空值 ,例如没有找到定义,下标所指的array对象超出array界限,hash下key不存在
# string : 字符型
full_name = 'Ruby'
# integer: 整数型
count = 20
# float : 浮点数型
book_price = 12.3
#Array : 数组型
fruits = ['Appel','Orange','Banana']
#Hash : 哈系类型
fruite_color = {apple:'read'}
# Struct: 结构体
Person = Struct.new(:name,:age)
person1 = Person.new 'mike', 50
### 变量赋值
# title赋值,默认为”Default title“。如果custom_title不为nil,则title是custom——title
title = custom_title || 'Default title'
# search为空则将params[:search]赋值给search
search ||= params[:search]
### 数组
# 数组声明
names = Array.new
names = Array.new(20)
# 直接定义一个数组给变量
fruits = ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Banana']
fruits = %w(Apple Orange Banana)
# 快速生成数组
(1..10).to_a # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
('a'..'e').to_a # ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
fruits.length # 3
fruits.first # Apple
fruits.last # Banana
fruits[0] # Apple
fruits[-2] # Orange
fruits[3] # nil
fruits[1..2] # ['Orange', 'Banana']
# 遍历
fruits.each do { |fruit| puts fruit }
fruits.each_with_index do |fruit, index|
puts fruit # Apple
puts index # 0
### Hash
product = {}
product['title'] = "Mac Book Pro"
product[:price] = 1599.99
product = { 'title' => 'Mac Book Pro', 'price' => 1599.99 }
product = { title: 'Mac Book Pro', price: 1599.99 }
puts product.fetch(:cost, 0) # 返回默认值0
product.keys # [:title, :price]
product.values # ['Mac Book Pro', 1599.99]
product.each do |key, value|
puts key
puts value
## Function
# 基本结构
def func
#some code
# 带参数的函数
def greeting(name = 'John') # = default argument value
"Hello #{name}" # implicit return
puts greeting('Paul') # Hello Paul
# 可变参数的函数
def greeting(*names)
names.each { |name| puts name }
# 传入指定命名的参数
def display_product(price, options = {})
puts price, options[:hidden], options[:rounded]
display_product 1599, hidden: false, rounded: true
## Class&Modules
class ProductManager
#some code
# 基础结构
module CUstomerSupport
#some code
# 静态modules方法
module Display
def self.hello
puts 'Hello'
## Control Flow & loop
### 遍历
loop do
puts "Stop loop by using 'break' statement"
puts "Skip one occurence by using 'next' statement"
while number < 100
puts number
number += 1
# Range
# Range: 遍历表达方式1
(1..10).each { |i| puts i }
# Range: 便利表达方式2
(1..10).each do |i|
puts i
# 进行计数范围的函数执行
10.times { puts "Hello World" } # 输出10次Hello World
### 条件判断
# Equal == And && Or || Not !
if action == 1
puts "action 1"
elsif action < 5
puts "action not 1 but less than 5"
puts "action greater than 5"
#Unless (if的否定)
puts 'The user is not active' unless active == true
# 三目运算符
active ? 'The user is active' : 'The user is not active'
# case when else
case points
when 0
"Not good"
when 1..50
"Better but not great"
when 51..70
"Thats good!"
when 71..99
when 100
"Score error"
## Common Methods
### 输出
# 带换行
puts 'Hello World'
# 不带换行
print 'Hello World with no line break'
### 字符型
# 字符串插值(格式化字符串输出用)
name = 'Mike'
message = 'Hello #{name}'
# 获取字符串长度
'This is a string'.length
# 判断字符串是否为空
''.empty? # true
# 字符串字母大写
'hello world'.upcase #HELLO WORLD
# 字符串字母小写
'HI'.downcase #hi
# 首字母大写 剩余消协
'miKE'.capitalize # Mike
# 去除字符串空格
' This is a string with space '.strip
# 左对齐并且增加字符填充
'hello'.ljust(20, '.') # 'hello...............'
# 判断是否为子字符串
'hello World'.include? 'World' # true
'Welcome to this web site'.index('this') # 11
# 获取字符串指定下标的内容(从0开始)
'This is a string'[1] # h
'This is a string'[0..3] # This
'This is a string'[-1] # g (-1代表最后)
# 替换第一个子字符串
'Hello dog my dog'.sub 'dog', 'cat'. # Hello cat my dog
'Apple Orange Banana'.split ' ' #['Apple', 'Orange', 'Banana']
input = gets
#获取命令行的参数(arguments),例如 ruby main.rb arg1 arg2
puts ARGV # ['arg1', 'arg2']
### 数字型
number.round 2.68 # 3
number.floor 2.68 # 2
number.ceil 2.68 # 3
2.next # 3
# 随机数字
random_number = rand(1..100)
### 数组
fruits = ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Banana']
# 数组是否包含
fruits.include? 'Orange' # true
# 排序:正排和倒排
[1, 5, 2, 4, 3].sort # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[1, 2, 3].reverse # [3, 2, 1]
# 增加到数组末尾
fruits.push 'Strawberry' # 方法1
fruits << 'Raspberry' # 方法2
# 增加元素到数组开头
fruits.unshift 'Strawberry'
# 移除数组最后一个
# 移除一个
fruits.delete_at(0) # 方法1
fruits.shift # 方法2
# array转string
fruits.join ', ' # 'apple, orange, banana'
# 两个数组合并 - 合并赋值给新数组
array1 = %w(dog cat bird)
array2 = %w(fish hamster)
array3 = array1 + array2 #['dog', 'cat', 'bird', 'fish', 'hamster']
# 两个数组合并到原有数组基础上
array1.concat array2
puts array1 #['dog', 'cat', 'bird', 'fish', 'hamster']
# 使用*表达式来构造数组
puts ['dog', *array2, 'bird'] #['dog', 'fish', 'hamster', bird']
### 类型转换
123.to_s # convert number to string "123"
"123".to_i # convert string to integer 123
"123".to_f # convert string to float 123.0
'Apple Orange Banana'.split ' ' #['Apple', 'Orange', 'Banana']
# array转string (上面的例子)
fruits.join ', '
### 日期和时间
Time.now.utc # 2020-12-13 03:17:05 UTC
Time.now.to_i # Timestamp 1607829496
christmas = Time.new(2020, 12, 25) #
puts christmas.wday # return 5 (Thursday)
now = Time.now # current time: 2020-12-13 03:08:15 +0000
now.year # 2020
now.month # 12
now.day # 13
now.hour # 3
now.min # 8
now.sec # 15
now.sunday? # true
past = Time.now - 20 # 返回当前时间减去20秒
past_day = Time.now - 86400 # 60 secs * 60 mins * 24 hours
past_day = Time.now - 1.day # 仅在Rail生效
time = Time.new
time.strftime("%d of %B, %Y") # 格式化输出: "25 of December, 2020"
### 正则表达式
zip_code = /\d{5}/
"Hello".match zip_code # nil
"White House zip: 20500".match zip_code # 20500
"White House: 20500 and Air Force: 20330".scan zip_code # ['20500', '20330']
"Apple Orange Banana".split(/\s+/) # ['Apple','Orange', 'Banana']
### I/O
# 读文件
text = File.read('exemple.txt')
# 按行读取文件
lines = File.readlines("exemple.txt")
lines.each do |line|
puts "Line: #{line}"
# 写文件
File.write('exemple.txt', 'text to write...')
File.open(“index.html”, “w”) do | file |
file.puts ‘text to write’
# 读取csv
require 'csv'
table = CSV.parse(File.read("products.csv"), headers: true)
table[0]["id"] # 1000
table[0]["name"] # "Mac Book Pro"
# 写csv
products = [
{ name: "Mac Book Pro", price: 1599 },
{ name: "IPad Pro", price: 799 }
CSV.open("products.csv", "w", headers: products.first.keys) do |csv|
products.each { |product| csv << product.values }
## Errors/Exceptions Handling
# 引发(raise)一个异常 并输出异常消息
raise "This is an exception"
## Other Tips
- `irb` 进入交互式ruby(interactive Ruby)模式中
## Reference
- https://dev.to/ericchapman/my-beloved-ruby-cheat-sheet-208o