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Created Time: 2022-12-14
Author: msk397 (
# 键值对 int->String
class Entry:
def __init__(self, key, val):
self.key = key
self.val = val
# 基于数组简易实现的哈希表
class ArrayHashMap:
def __init__(self):
# 初始化一个长度为 100 的桶(数组)
self.bucket = [None] * 100
# 哈希函数
def hashFunc(self, key):
index = key % 100
return index
# 查询操作
def get(self, key):
index = self.hashFunc(key)
pair = self.bucket[index]
if pair is None:
return None
return pair.val
# 添加操作
def put(self, key, val):
pair = Entry(key, val)
index = self.hashFunc(key)
self.bucket[index] = pair
# 删除操作
def remove(self, key):
index = self.hashFunc(key)
# 置为空字符,代表删除
self.bucket[index] = None
# 获取所有键值对
def entrySet(self):
result = []
for pair in self.bucket:
if pair is not None:
return result
# 获取所有键
def keySet(self):
result = []
for pair in self.bucket:
if pair is not None:
return result
# 获取所有值
def valueSet(self):
result = []
for pair in self.bucket:
if pair is not None:
return result
# 打印哈希表
def print(self):
for pair in self.bucket:
if pair is not None:
print(pair.key, "->", pair.val)
if __name__ == "__main__":
""" 初始化哈希表 """
Map = ArrayHashMap()
""" 添加操作 """
# 在哈希表中添加键值对 (key, value)
Map.put(12836, "小哈")
Map.put(15937, "小啰")
Map.put(16750, "小算")
Map.put(13276, "小法")
Map.put(10583, "小鸭")
print("\n添加完成后,哈希表为\nKey -> Value")
""" 查询操作 """
# 向哈希表输入键 key ,得到值 value
name = Map.get(15937)
print("\n输入学号 15937 ,查询到姓名 " + name)
""" 删除操作 """
# 在哈希表中删除键值对 (key, value)
print("\n删除 10583 后,哈希表为\nKey -> Value")
""" 遍历哈希表 """
print("\n遍历键值对 Key->Value")
for pair in Map.entrySet():
print(pair.key, "->", pair.val)
print("\n单独遍历键 Key")
for key in Map.keySet():
print("\n单独遍历值 Value")
for val in Map.valueSet():