A <u>graph</u> is a type of nonlinear data structure, consisting of <u>vertices</u> and <u>edges</u>. A graph $G$ can be abstractly represented as a collection of a set of vertices $V$ and a set of edges $E$. The following example shows a graph containing 5 vertices and 7 edges.
If vertices are viewed as nodes and edges as references (pointers) connecting the nodes, graphs can be seen as a data structure that extends from linked lists. As shown in Figure 9-1, **compared to linear relationships (linked lists) and divide-and-conquer relationships (trees), network relationships (graphs) are more complex due to their higher degree of freedom**.
- In undirected graphs, edges represent a "bidirectional" connection between two vertices, for example, the "friends" in Facebook.
- In directed graphs, edges have directionality, that is, the edges $A \rightarrow B$ and $A \leftarrow B$ are independent of each other. For example, the "follow" and "followed" relationship on Instagram or TikTok.
Depending on whether all vertices are connected, graphs can be divided into <u>connected graphs</u> and <u>disconnected graphs</u>, as shown in Figure 9-3.
We can also add a weight variable to edges, resulting in <u>weighted graphs</u> as shown in Figure 9-4. For example, in Instagram, the system sorts your follower and following list by the level of interaction between you and other users (likes, views, comments, etc.). Such an interaction network can be represented by a weighted graph.
-<u>Adjacency</u>: When there is an edge connecting two vertices, these two vertices are said to be "adjacent". In Figure 9-4, the adjacent vertices of vertex 1 are vertices 2, 3, and 5.
-<u>Path</u>: The sequence of edges passed from vertex A to vertex B is called a path from A to B. In Figure 9-4, the edge sequence 1-5-2-4 is a path from vertex 1 to vertex 4.
-<u>Degree</u>: The number of edges a vertex has. For directed graphs, <u>in-degree</u> refers to how many edges point to the vertex, and <u>out-degree</u> refers to how many edges point out from the vertex.
Let the number of vertices in the graph be $n$, the <u>adjacency matrix</u> uses an $n \times n$ matrix to represent the graph, where each row (column) represents a vertex, and the matrix elements represent edges, with $1$ or $0$ indicating whether there is an edge between two vertices.
As shown in Figure 9-5, let the adjacency matrix be $M$, and the list of vertices be $V$, then the matrix element $M[i, j] = 1$ indicates there is an edge between vertex $V[i]$ and vertex $V[j]$, conversely $M[i, j] = 0$ indicates there is no edge between the two vertices.
When representing graphs with adjacency matrices, it is possible to directly access matrix elements to obtain edges, resulting in efficient operations of addition, deletion, lookup, and modification, all with a time complexity of $O(1)$. However, the space complexity of the matrix is $O(n^2)$, which consumes more memory.
The <u>adjacency list</u> uses $n$ linked lists to represent the graph, with each linked list node representing a vertex. The $i$-th linked list corresponds to vertex $i$ and contains all adjacent vertices (vertices connected to that vertex). Figure 9-6 shows an example of a graph stored using an adjacency list.
![Representation of a graph with an adjacency list](graph.assets/adjacency_list.png){ class="animation-figure" }
<palign="center"> Figure 9-6 Representation of a graph with an adjacency list </p>
The adjacency list only stores actual edges, and the total number of edges is often much less than $n^2$, making it more space-efficient. However, finding edges in the adjacency list requires traversing the linked list, so its time efficiency is not as good as that of the adjacency matrix.
Observing Figure 9-6, **the structure of the adjacency list is very similar to the "chaining" in hash tables, hence we can use similar methods to optimize efficiency**. For example, when the linked list is long, it can be transformed into an AVL tree or red-black tree, thus optimizing the time efficiency from $O(n)$ to $O(\log n)$; the linked list can also be transformed into a hash table, thus reducing the time complexity to $O(1)$.