""" File: heap.py Created Time: 2023-02-23 Author: krahets (krahets@163.com) """ import sys from pathlib import Path sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).parent.parent)) from modules import print_heap import heapq def test_push(heap: list, val: int, flag: int = 1): heapq.heappush(heap, flag * val) # Push the element into heap print(f"\nElement {val} after pushed into heap") print_heap([flag * val for val in heap]) def test_pop(heap: list, flag: int = 1): val = flag * heapq.heappop(heap) # Pop the element at the heap top print(f"\nHeap top element {val} after exiting heap") print_heap([flag * val for val in heap]) """Driver Code""" if __name__ == "__main__": # Initialize min-heap min_heap, flag = [], 1 # Initialize max-heap max_heap, flag = [], -1 print("\nThe following test case is for max-heap") # Python's heapq module implements min-heap by default # Consider "negating the elements" before entering the heap, thus reversing the comparator to implement a max-heap # In this example, flag = 1 corresponds to min-heap, flag = -1 corresponds to max-heap # Push the element into heap test_push(max_heap, 1, flag) test_push(max_heap, 3, flag) test_push(max_heap, 2, flag) test_push(max_heap, 5, flag) test_push(max_heap, 4, flag) # Access heap top element peek: int = flag * max_heap[0] print(f"\nHeap top element is {peek}") # Pop the element at the heap top test_pop(max_heap, flag) test_pop(max_heap, flag) test_pop(max_heap, flag) test_pop(max_heap, flag) test_pop(max_heap, flag) # Get heap size size: int = len(max_heap) print(f"\nNumber of heap elements is {size}") # Determine if heap is empty is_empty: bool = not max_heap print(f"\nIs the heap empty {is_empty}") # Enter list and build heap # Time complexity is O(n), not O(nlogn) min_heap = [1, 3, 2, 5, 4] heapq.heapify(min_heap) print("\nEnter list and build min-heap") print_heap(min_heap)