""" File: tree_node.py Created Time: 2021-12-11 Author: krahets (krahets@163.com) """ from collections import deque class TreeNode: """Binary tree node class""" def __init__(self, val: int = 0): self.val: int = val # Node value self.height: int = 0 # Node height self.left: TreeNode | None = None # Reference to the left child node self.right: TreeNode | None = None # Reference to the right child node # For serialization encoding rules, refer to: # https://www.hello-algo.com/chapter_tree/array_representation_of_tree/ # Array representation of the binary tree: # [1, 2, 3, 4, None, 6, 7, 8, 9, None, None, 12, None, None, 15] # Linked list representation of the binary tree: # /——— 15 # /——— 7 # /——— 3 # | \——— 6 # | \——— 12 # ——— 1 # \——— 2 # | /——— 9 # \——— 4 # \——— 8 def list_to_tree_dfs(arr: list[int], i: int) -> TreeNode | None: """Deserialize a list into a binary tree: Recursively""" # If the index is out of array bounds, or the corresponding element is None, return None if i < 0 or i >= len(arr) or arr[i] is None: return None # Construct the current node root = TreeNode(arr[i]) # Recursively construct left and right subtrees root.left = list_to_tree_dfs(arr, 2 * i + 1) root.right = list_to_tree_dfs(arr, 2 * i + 2) return root def list_to_tree(arr: list[int]) -> TreeNode | None: """Deserialize a list into a binary tree""" return list_to_tree_dfs(arr, 0) def tree_to_list_dfs(root: TreeNode, i: int, res: list[int]) -> list[int]: """Serialize a binary tree into a list: Recursively""" if root is None: return if i >= len(res): res += [None] * (i - len(res) + 1) res[i] = root.val tree_to_list_dfs(root.left, 2 * i + 1, res) tree_to_list_dfs(root.right, 2 * i + 2, res) def tree_to_list(root: TreeNode | None) -> list[int]: """Serialize a binary tree into a list""" res = [] tree_to_list_dfs(root, 0, res) return res