/** * File: heap.cpp * Created Time: 2023-01-19 * Author: LoneRanger(836253168@qq.com) */ #include "../utils/common.hpp" void testPush(priority_queue &heap, int val) { heap.push(val); // Push the element into heap cout << "\nAfter element " << val << " is added to the heap" << endl; printHeap(heap); } void testPop(priority_queue &heap) { int val = heap.top(); heap.pop(); cout << "\nAfter the top element " << val << " is removed from the heap" << endl; printHeap(heap); } /* Driver Code */ int main() { /* Initialize the heap */ // Initialize min-heap // priority_queue, greater> minHeap; // Initialize max-heap priority_queue, less> maxHeap; cout << "\nThe following test case is for max-heap" << endl; /* Push the element into heap */ testPush(maxHeap, 1); testPush(maxHeap, 3); testPush(maxHeap, 2); testPush(maxHeap, 5); testPush(maxHeap, 4); /* Access heap top element */ int peek = maxHeap.top(); cout << "\nTop element of the heap is " << peek << endl; /* Pop the element at the heap top */ testPop(maxHeap); testPop(maxHeap); testPop(maxHeap); testPop(maxHeap); testPop(maxHeap); /* Get heap size */ int size = maxHeap.size(); cout << "\nNumber of elements in the heap is " << size << endl; /* Determine if heap is empty */ bool isEmpty = maxHeap.empty(); cout << "\nIs the heap empty " << isEmpty << endl; /* Enter list and build heap */ // Time complexity is O(n), not O(nlogn) vector input{1, 3, 2, 5, 4}; priority_queue, greater> minHeap(input.begin(), input.end()); cout << "After inputting the list and building a min-heap" << endl; printHeap(minHeap); return 0; }