''' File: print_util.py Created Time: 2021-12-11 Author: Krahets (krahets@163.com), msk397 (machangxinq@gmail.com) ''' import copy import queue from .binary_tree import TreeNode, tree_to_list from .linked_list import ListNode, linked_list_to_list def print_matrix(mat): """Print a matrix Args: mat ([type]): [description] """ pstr = [] for arr in mat: pstr.append(' ' + str(arr)) print('[\n' + ',\n'.join(pstr) + '\n]') def print_linked_list(head): """Print a linked list Args: head ([type]): [description] """ arr = linked_list_to_list(head) print(' -> '.join([str(a) for a in arr])) class Trunk: def __init__(self, prev=None, str=None): self.prev = prev self.str = str def showTrunks(p): if p is None: return showTrunks(p.prev) print(p.str, end='') def print_tree(root, prev=None, isLeft=False): """Print a binary tree This tree printer is borrowed from TECHIE DELIGHT https://www.techiedelight.com/c-program-print-binary-tree/ Args: root ([type]): [description] prev ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. isLeft (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to False. """ if root is None: return prev_str = ' ' trunk = Trunk(prev, prev_str) print_tree(root.right, trunk, True) if prev is None: trunk.str = '———' elif isLeft: trunk.str = '/———' prev_str = ' |' else: trunk.str = '\———' prev.str = prev_str showTrunks(trunk) print(' ' + str(root.val)) if prev: prev.str = prev_str trunk.str = ' |' print_tree(root.left, trunk, False) def print_dict(d): """Print a dict Args: d ([type]): [description] """ for key, value in d.items(): print(key, '->', value)