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119 lines
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119 lines
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Created Time: 2023-06-13
Author: krahets (
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from chapter_hashing.array_hash_map import Pair
class HashMapChaining:
def __init__(self):
self.size = 0 # 键值对数量
self.capacity = 4 # 哈希表容量
self.load_thres = 2.0 / 3.0 # 触发扩容的负载因子阈值
self.extend_ratio = 2 # 扩容倍数
self.buckets = [[] for _ in range(self.capacity)] # 桶数组
def hash_func(self, key: int) -> int:
return key % self.capacity
def load_factor(self) -> float:
return self.size / self.capacity
def get(self, key: int) -> str | None:
index = self.hash_func(key)
bucket = self.buckets[index]
# 遍历桶,若找到 key ,则返回对应 val
for pair in bucket:
if pair.key == key:
return pair.val
# 若未找到 key ,则返回 None
return None
def put(self, key: int, val: str):
# 当负载因子超过阈值时,执行扩容
if self.load_factor() > self.load_thres:
index = self.hash_func(key)
bucket = self.buckets[index]
# 遍历桶,若遇到指定 key ,则更新对应 val 并返回
for pair in bucket:
if pair.key == key:
pair.val = val
# 若无该 key ,则将键值对添加至尾部
pair = Pair(key, val)
self.size += 1
def remove(self, key: int):
index = self.hash_func(key)
bucket = self.buckets[index]
# 遍历桶,从中删除键值对
for pair in bucket:
if pair.key == key:
self.size -= 1
def extend(self):
# 暂存原哈希表
buckets = self.buckets
# 初始化扩容后的新哈希表
self.capacity *= self.extend_ratio
self.buckets = [[] for _ in range(self.capacity)]
self.size = 0
# 将键值对从原哈希表搬运至新哈希表
for bucket in buckets:
for pair in bucket:
self.put(pair.key, pair.val)
def print(self):
for bucket in self.buckets:
res = []
for pair in bucket:
res.append(str(pair.key) + " -> " + pair.val)
"""Driver Code"""
if __name__ == "__main__":
# 初始化哈希表
hashmap = HashMapChaining()
# 添加操作
# 在哈希表中添加键值对 (key, value)
hashmap.put(12836, "小哈")
hashmap.put(15937, "小啰")
hashmap.put(16750, "小算")
hashmap.put(13276, "小法")
hashmap.put(10583, "小鸭")
print("\n添加完成后,哈希表为\n[Key1 -> Value1, Key2 -> Value2, ...]")
# 查询操作
# 向哈希表中输入键 key ,得到值 value
name = hashmap.get(13276)
print("\n输入学号 13276 ,查询到姓名 " + name)
# 删除操作
# 在哈希表中删除键值对 (key, value)
print("\n删除 12836 后,哈希表为\n[Key1 -> Value1, Key2 -> Value2, ...]")