You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
871 B

Created Time: 2023-06-15
Author: krahets (
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from modules import ListNode
"""Driver Code"""
if __name__ == "__main__":
num = 3
hash_num = hash(num)
print(f"整數 {num} 的雜湊值為 {hash_num}")
bol = True
hash_bol = hash(bol)
print(f"布林量 {bol} 的雜湊值為 {hash_bol}")
dec = 3.14159
hash_dec = hash(dec)
print(f"小數 {dec} 的雜湊值為 {hash_dec}")
str = "Hello 演算法"
hash_str = hash(str)
print(f"字串 {str} 的雜湊值為 {hash_str}")
tup = (12836, "小哈")
hash_tup = hash(tup)
print(f"元組 {tup} 的雜湊值為 {hash(hash_tup)}")
obj = ListNode(0)
hash_obj = hash(obj)
print(f"節點物件 {obj} 的雜湊值為 {hash_obj}")