Don't create filesystems when workspace is stale (#121)

Kelvin Schoofs 6 years ago
parent dba055577a
commit 048aa08707

@ -4,13 +4,44 @@ import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { getConfig, getConfigs, loadConfigs, loadConfigsRaw, UPDATE_LISTENERS } from './config';
import { FileSystemConfig } from './fileSystemConfig';
import * as Logging from './logging';
import SSHFileSystem from './sshFileSystem';
import SSHFileSystem, { EMPTY_FILE_SYSTEM } from './sshFileSystem';
import { catchingPromise, toPromise } from './toPromise';
import { Navigation } from './webviewMessages';
const FOLDERS = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders!;
function isWorkspaceStale() {
const FOLDERS2 = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders!;
if (!FOLDERS !== !FOLDERS2) return true;
// Both should exist here, but checking both for typechecking
if (!FOLDERS.length !== !FOLDERS2.length) return true;
const [folder1] = FOLDERS;
const [folder2] = FOLDERS2;
if (folder1 === folder2) return false;
const { name: name1, uri: uri1 } = folder1;
const { name: name2, uri: uri2 } = folder2;
if (name1 !== name2) return true;
if (uri1.toString() !== uri2.toString()) return true;
return false;
async function assertFs(man: Manager, uri: vscode.Uri) {
const fs = await man.getFs(uri);
if (fs) return fs;
// When adding one of our filesystems as the first workspace folder,
// it's possible (and even likely) that vscode will set
// vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders and prompt our filesystem
// for .vscode/settings.json, right before extensions get reloaded.
// This triggers a useless connection (and password prompting), so
// if we detect here the workspace is in a phase of change, resulting
// in extensions reload, just throw an error. vscode is fine with it.
if (isWorkspaceStale()) {
console.error('Stale workspace');
// Throwing an error gives the "${root} · Can not resolve workspace folder"
// throw vscode.FileSystemError.Unavailable('Stale workspace');
// So let's just act as if everything's fine, but there's only the void.
// The extensions (and FileSystemProviders) get reloaded soon anyway.
return man.createFileSystem(uri.authority);

@ -144,7 +144,11 @@ export default SSHFileSystem;
export const EMPTY_FILE_SYSTEM = {
onDidChangeFile: new vscode.EventEmitter<vscode.FileChangeEvent[]>().event,
watch: (uri: vscode.Uri, options: { recursive: boolean; excludes: string[]; }) => new vscode.Disposable(() => { }),
stat: (uri: vscode.Uri) => ({ type: vscode.FileType.Unknown }) as vscode.FileStat,
stat: (uri: vscode.Uri) => {
console.warn('Checking', uri.toString());
if (uri.path === '/' || uri.path === '\\') return ({ type: vscode.FileType.Directory }) as vscode.FileStat;
throw vscode.FileSystemError.FileNotFound(uri);
readDirectory: (uri: vscode.Uri) => [],
createDirectory: (uri: vscode.Uri) => { },
readFile: (uri: vscode.Uri) => new Uint8Array(0),
